GE 1994 Episode 1: Buying Brains
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there are differences in the aired version.


SUBJECT:	The effects were startling.  I could actually feel the improvement 
	in my intellectual capacity, and almost overnight I became a voracious 
	reader.  But the effects on my social life were disastrous.  My old friends, they 
	suddenly seemed so ... stupid.

DOYLE SPKSPRSN:	No, I have no problem with it at all, these people are aware of 
	what they're getting into.  You're putting a false slant on this.  Of course 
	if some irresponsible people in the media go on about "human guinea pigs" 
	there's going to be panic.  If I tried to conduct these experiments on a few 
	rabbits the animal rights people would fire bomb us in a second.

GOVT SPKSPRSN:	Doyle Labs are a respected Newfoundland firm.  The pharmaceutical 
	research division brought 300 new jobs to the province and that's not 
	counting the people who are up there making good money as subjects in experiments.  
	The Government is behind this project one hundred percent.

SUBJECT:	I was aware of the risks but at the outset I was ... well too stupid to 
	understand them.  I assumed they would wear off eventually.

DOYLE SPKSPRSN:	Of course the employment situation here was a consideration, 
	of course.  But there were other factors, Newfoundland being an island makes 
	containment a lot easier if something should go wrong.

SUBJECT:	I was a happier man previously.  Without a doubt, I would prefer to 
	be stupid again.  For sure.

PAUL:	"Buying Brains", that's a special next week on The Paul Moth Show.