GE 1995 Season 2 Episode 1: Letter from Ish
Note: I think this was a promo, whether on air or in print I don't
13 June 1995

To:	Paul Moth, Host of The Great Eastern
From:	Ish Lundrigan, Director of Radio, BCN

Dear Paul,

I just got the good news ... the BCN and CBC have signed an 
agreement of understanding and they will be carrying our Great 
Eastern across the country again this summer ... the flagship 
program of the Broadcasting Corporation of Newfoundland, 
Newfoundland's Cultural Magazine, will be broadcast coast to coast 
in Canada starting Canada Day Weekend, July 1 ... time slot will 
be the same ... ten thirty every Saturday morning ... ten o'clock 
in Canada.  BCN ... the Broadcasting Corporation of Newfoundland, 
serving Newfoundland since 1932 ... working on year two for 

Congratulations, boy.

Now, Paul, let's not lose sight of what makes TGE the province's 
most often quoted radio show,.  About last week's show.  Our 
faithful listeners in Newfoundland and Iceland, who have not been 
far away all year, had to put up with: some live music - the 
complete Hugh Kuva cycle, including the hallucinatory "Sonata for 
Piano and Fishbowl"; news from the fashion front - Newfoundland 
haute couture hitting the ramps in Montreal, Paris and Bogota; 
Newfoundland art -a story on that do-it-yourself poetry book that 
was a provincial best-seller; and then the man no one could 
understand ... he had a Phd in something from some university 
somewhere, evidently, but no one knew what or where.  When we go 
national, this sort of stuff won't cut it.

Remember, you are Paul Moth, host of the Great Eastern, 
Newfoundland's Cultural Magazine !

Ish Lundrigan
Director of Radio