GE 1995 Season 2 Episode 8: The Vault
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there may be differences in the aired version.

PAUL:	Here I am making my way down through 
	the dusty cobwebs, the piles of 
	cigarette butts on the floor ... 
	there's the giant wreath the BCN 
	hangs from the building every 
	Christmas.  Down down, to BCN's own 
	catacombs, down ... to the Vault, 
	where Ish Lundrigan awaits with some 
	gem from the corporation's storied 
	past.  What audio treasure have you 
	unearthed this week, Ish?

ISH:	Seeing as this is the last week The 
	Great Eastern is being carried by 
	the CBC ... 

PAUL:	Too bad, hey?

ISH:	I'm not sure it was their kind of 
	show, Paul.  Anyway, as this is your 
	last week in Canadian airspace, I 
	thought it might be the right time 
	to play tape of the only other BCN 
	program ever to be broadcast up 
	along, "BOIL UP" with Ron Gellately.

PAUL:	Ron hosted "BOIL UP" in addition to 
	the Great Eastern ?

ISH:	People worked harder, longer hours 
	in those days Paul.  We've grown 

PAUL:	I hear Ron would leave the studio 
	right after the Great Eastern and 
	catch the train ...

ISH:	Yes.  The CN would actually hold the 
	Bullet for him.

PAUL:	Service, eh ?

ISH:	By the afternoon, he'd be at his 
	cabin near Famish Gut, where he 
	recorded the show himself.  So here, 
	from 1959, here's Ron Gellately.


RON:	Come on everybody, come on up in the 
	country, come on up to the cabin for 
	... a BOIL UP!


RON:	Well, friends, what with a bracing 
	gale coming off the frigid waters of 
	Placentia Bay and across the  
	desolate flat barren, it's a bit 
	"nippy" up at the old cabin today.  
	So why don't we just stoke up the 
	old Franklin, put on the kettle and 
	get out a deck of cards.  Herb 
	Crocker'll be over presently, we'll 
	talk about his operation.  And I saw 
	the brother-in-law, Jim Whelan, 
	wetting the line down to the secret 
	gullies, so he'll be along with his 
	accordion, and maybe a few trout for 
	my breakfast, eh ?  Watch your 
	bobber, Jim !  And if I'm not 
	mistaken, coming through the door 
	right now, with a big pot of moose 
	soup, is the ... "unstoppable", 
	Olive Halliday.

PAUL:	So, he would spend Saturday up at 
	the cabin, with ... "friends" and 
	relatives and then ...

ISH:	... he would rush in Sundays and 
	edit the tapes as best he could in 
	time for the Sunday Evening 
	Broadcast on the CBC.  

PAUL:	And the show was popular, Ish ?

ISH:	There was something for everybody in 
	Boil Up, Paul.  But by far, the most 
	popular feature was "Thirty For 
	Sixty."  Ron would have special 
	guests - entertainers, politicians, 
	important figures of the day - over 
	to the cabin for a game of 120's.

PAUL:	That's not a bad idea.


RON:	(first effects of the booze)... very 
	lucky indeed to have Latvians of 
	such standing as yourself, Mr. 
	Valdmanis, helping us modernize this 
	island's economy.  Thanks for 
	telling us about your Baltic 
	homeland.  Well, well, well, who's 
	that coming through the door now but 
	Ghislain Dagort, our old friend, and 
	prefect of St. Pierre.  For me, 
	Ghislain ?  


	Here's a half cord of good comfort 
	from the cold.  

PAUL:	Must have been a gruelling 
	production schedule for Ron.

ISH:	Yes, eventually the strain took it's 

PAUL:	How so?

ISH:	He often ... became ... tired.  
	Tired and emotional.  Well here, 
	later in the program ...


	JOLLINESS, THE SMILE)  Give and give 
	and give!  I'm sick of it.  Day 
	after day, week after week, making a 
	public spectacle of myself, it's me 
	now and Wilbur the monkey.  Not 
	once, not once have I heard "Thanks 
	Dad", or "Thanks Honey, you are a 
	saint, a living saint, a martyr, a 
	martyr to my cause for putting up 
	with my insufferable sister for 
	seven long years."   Merciful lord, 
	that woman must be over 300 pounds!

JIM:	Sure ... sure you're making the best 
	kind of money, Ron, and who's paying 
	for it ... the likes of me, the tax 
	payer of Newfoundland, and  ... 
RON:	Shut-up, Jim, for the love of god, 
	just shut-up.

JIM:	I won't, I will not shut-up Ron, 
	because this is something you need 
	to hear  ...


PAUL:	And so ... cancelled.

ISH:	No, no.  It was a summer replacement 
	program, after all, and it's eight 
	weeks were up.

PAUL:	Too bad.

ISH:	Programming is a strange and 
	mysterious science, Paul, I don't 
	think I could explain it to you in 
	the time we have available here.

PAUL:	Oh, look at that, we have run out of 
	time, haven't we?

ISH:	It flies, Paul.  It flies.

PAUL:	But we always manage to catch a 
	little of it, down here with Ish 
	Lundrigan ...

ISH:	In The Vault.