GE 1996-7 Season 3 Episode 19: Outro
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there may be differences in the aired version.
PAUL:	The Great Eastern crosses the 
Gulf live to you from the 
studios of the Broadcasting 
Corporation of Newfoundland. 
Our engineer for part of the 
day was the idealistic Hollis 
Duffett. The Director of Radio 
and emergency technician at 
the BCN is Ish Lundrigan.

If you’d like to write in 
support of the job action, our 
address is 342 Duckworth St., 
St. John’s, Nfld., A1C  1H5.  

Or dispatch an e-mail.  That 
address is  

We’ve also got a fabulous 
website !  Check it out 
through CBC Radio’s home page, 
we’re in the Arts Section.

My name is Paul Moth.  Join me 
again next Saturday for The 
Great Eastern, Nfld’s cultural 

Well .... next week, ah, ... 
Tom Pynchon, my old buddy Tom 
Pynchon drops by, he’s done 
well for himself ... and ah, 
... let’s see, ah, Jane 
Campion, the ex-wife ... and 
of course live music returns 
with Joni Mitchell and Bjork, 
I think Bjork is back ... hmmm 
... ah, phew ... 

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