GE 1996-7 Season 3 Episode 3: Traffic Alert
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there may be differences in the aired version.

Hello I'm Erling Biggs, your weather watchdog with Traffic Alert. 
Traffic Alert brought to you by Furlong Confections. Enjoy a 
Furlong Knob today.

First some community announcments, The CBC is having a yard sale.  
Items available include office furniture, stationary, some electronics 
and a wide selection of unclaimed personal effects.   And ... oh that 
seems to be all the annoucnements today.

Now in the fascinating world of weekend traffic.  Hunting season 
again so motorist traveling near dawn or dusk are advised to keep 
an eye out for slow moving pick-ups cruising the backroads of the 
province.  This activity is, of course, illegal and motorists are 
asked to inform police of any violations of the highway traffic act.