GE 1996-7 Season 3 Episode 5: Morris Jesso
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there may be differences in the aired version.
PAUL:	Ah the fourth floor, the most desirable office space in the 
	whole building.  When this was abatoir, the adminstrative offices were 
	located here.  Ah look, the window’s from which the bosses could peer 
	down and monitor activity on the killing floor below.  They now afford 
	a vertigo-inducing view of the atrium.  Oooooh queazy.  Don’t like the 
	atrium concept.

SFX:	Paul walks on.

PAUL:	  We are here, a little closer to heaven, to visit with Morris 
	Jesso, host of Interred - consistantly the BCN’s most popular program.  
	Was to carried by the CBC but  


PAUL:	Argghhhhh!

MORRIS:	I didn’t mean to ...

PAUL:	That’s okay Morr ...

MORRIS:	I thought the CBC thing was a done deal.

PAUL:	What happened?

MORRIS:	At the eleventh hour they pulled out ... questioned, if you 
	can believe this, the show’s taste.


MORRIS:	You know Paul that we always, always, always endeavour 
	to provide a program in the very best taste.

PAUL:	Good taste is synonomous with the name Morris Jesso.

MORRIS:	Thank you.

Morris grows a little weepy.

PAUL:	Morris, please don’t.

MORRIS:	It is so good to have a friend like you Paul.

PAUL:	Professional associate Morris.  The CBC debacle aside, you 
	have, I hear, a smoking season ahead.

MORRIS:	I spent much of my summer travelling, collecting tape for a 
	series of documentary specials.

PAUL:	Please Morris, share.

MORRIS:	The first three programs discuss the fascinating west coast 
	scene.  So much is happening in California.

PAUL:	I can’t even begin to speculate.

MORRIS:	People are spiking old growth trees with their ashes, 
	because of space limitations in Los Angeles you see people going back 
	to the crypt and mausoleum, I saw one fellow mounted above his 
	mantle piece.

Paul suppresses a gasp.

MORRIS:	And, of course, there is the frosty frontier of cryogenics.  

PAUL:	Wonderful.

MORRIS:	I’ve been editting all evening.  Plum Brandy’s my reward, 
	care to imbibe?

PAUL:	No thank you, I ....

MORRIS:	Oh that’s right, you don’t drink because of the alcoholism,, 
	how indelicate of me, perhaps I can get you a soft drink.

PAUL:	I’m fine, I...

MORRIS:	I know, you just sit here and listen to some tape while I 
	fetch you a pop.

PAUL:	A....

MORRIS:	There’s a cream soda in the fridge, I’ll be right back, just 
	hit play.

SFX:	Morris leaves.

SFX:	boomy, cold room, occasional whoosh of liquid Nitorgen.

MORRIS:	Here we are in the main storage facility.  It’s an impressive 
	operation, the condition of each sarcophogus is monitered by computer 
	to insure a constant temperature of 7 kelvin.  And I’m sure you have 
	back up generators?

KYLE:	Of course.  And the entire building is earthquake proofed.

MORRIS:	Naturally.  We see some new people here.  Timothy Leary 
	Tune in, Turn on, Drop Dead!  Ha Ha.  Sorry, a little mirth.  But 
	you’ve been in operation since the fifties.

KYLE:	That’s correct.  Some of our first clients are here.

SFX:	Hand wipes condensation off glass.

MORRIS:	Let me see. Alas poor Walter Disney.  I knew him.  A 
	fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

KYLE:	Close aquaintance?

MORRIS:	Fast friends.  You want to mind your tongue though, that 
	Disney crowd have become so litigious.  Say anything untoward about  
	Mickey and you know there’s going to be civil action.  And believe you 
	me, the Mickster was no angel.  Oh my, is it my imagination or does 
	Walter have a little freezer burn on his nose.
SFX:	Paul stops tape.

PAUL:	Come on Morris, I haven’t got all night.

SFX:	Paul fast forwards tape. Tape starts up.

MORRIS:	Melvin Snelgrove, five years ago, you closed up shop in 
	Lewisporte, joined the Newfoundland diaspora, and moved here to 
	California. You are now the most sought after celebrity moritician in 
	L.A. burying the stars and their victims.  
MELVIN:	Thank you Morris.

MORRIS:	You’ve invitied me to help you out today.

MELVIN:	It would be an honour.

MORRIS:	Ok let’s suit up.

SFX:	rubber gloves pulled on.

MORRIS:	Whatever it is, the smell of latex just sets my heart a 

Back to studio.

PAUL:	Well Morris I’m sure your many fans are overjoyed at 
	your return.  Canada, alas, will never know what they are missing.
	Have a great season.

MORRIS:	Thank you.