GE 1998-9 Season 5 Episode 26: Paulitorial
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there may be differences in the aired version.
PAUL:	One moment please.

	That good old radio standby.

	I hope our local audience will humour me here a moment 
	as we say goodbye to our foreign listeners.  This is our 
	last live broadcast to the mainland, and I would be remiss 
	in not mentioning this fact to you.

	It has been another memorable year.  It seems we run in to 
	each other quite regularly.

	Ah, the joys of hearing from Saskatchewan farmers on holiday 
	in the Cook Islands;  from the guy who heard the show for the 
	first time while driving to Ann Arbor, Michigan and cried with 
	delight; from fans who've been with us from the first summer 
	and who are now part of the family;  from the same failiar 
	names who enter the contest each week, and also have a personal 
	note for us;  who send birthday cards, and Christmas cards, and 
	Valentine's Day cards, and baseball cards, and smut.

	And just look at all this .... stuff I've accummulated over 
	five years.

	Wow ... we've been together for five years.  

	Hard to believe.

	You know what they say, the five year mark in a relationship 
	is the watershed.

	So, I mean, now that we're here, at the end of the season, after 
	five years, maybe the idea of a trial separation isn't such a 
	bad thing.  To see where we're at.

	You'll linger over the repeats during the next couple of weeks, 
	remembering some of the good times we've had.  After that, who 
	knows what will happen.  Maybe you'll find another show to listen 
	to. I'll have to live with that.  Maybe I'll find a new audience.

	Whether we get back together or not depends on many things, 
	most of them out of our control. 
	If we're lucky enough to survive this experiment, though, there's 
	one ground rule I'm going to insist upon.  You can't tell me what 
	shows you listened to, and I won't tell you about ... anyway.

	I have not ... and will not ... forget you.  I'm wearing something 
	of yours now, (sniff) just to remember you by, until we meet again.