GE 1998-9 Season 5 Episode 7: Paulitorial
Note: this is not a transcript, but a working draft of the script, so there may be differences in the aired version.

PAUL:	What do I really want ?  Well, 
        a lot of what I want has to do 
        with ... my ... lower 
        extremities.  And though it’s 
        a natural biological 
        imperative, I’m still wracked 
        with guilt about it.

        “Get your mind out of the 

        That’s what my father always 
        used to say.

        “Get your mind out of the 
        He was railing on about, what 
        the brothers at St. Matthew’s 
        called, “dirty thoughts.”

        Dirty thoughts, now what did 
        adults mean by that ? 

        They could only mean that what 
        was always on a young person’s 
        daydreaming mind was 
        despicable and rotten.

        It was what the sodality and 
        the apostleship of prayer did 
        their darnedest to get off 
        your mind, what you giggled 
        about with your gang while 
        fumbling around in your 
        clothing in the neighbour’s 
        backyard, and what you never 
        discussed with your Dad or 
        your grade seven teacher.

        Sex is what was on your mind, 
        pure and simple, and sex is 
        what they were talking about.

        That, then, was the equation 
        eternally locked into my 
        little Catholic head - sex 
        equals dirt.

        That was all there was to be 
        said on the subject, no 
        discussion allowed, no  
        discussion needed upon a 
        matter that had been decided.

        Sex, sewer; sex, filth; sex, 
        depravity; sex, smut;  dirty 
        vile immoral scummy 
        pornographic obscene indecent 
        perverted rottenness.

        Sin sin sin, and you were 
        going to hell. 

        What always confused me, 
        though, was what were adults 
        thinking about when they were 
        thinking about young people 
        thinking about sex all the 
        time ?  What were they 
        thinking about ?  And why 
        wasn’t it a sin for them ?

        No amount of St. Matthew’s 
        inflected theology, or 
        daydreaming, ever explained 
        that to me.

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