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Jan. 24, 2005

“To gain their confidence, Frank played the game according to their rules...”

Paul Moth by Francis Bacon

This week, as a New Year's gift, the entire Town Beat! archive comes online here. Town Beat! was a television pilot produced by the Great Eastern team in 2001 for CBC Television. It wasn't picked up, but CBC did show the pilot in 2004. The website Rink Rat Productions purchased last year for the purposes of promoting the broadcast of the pilot episode finally expired last week, so I had to do something. I've reworked the site to include some of the material not included on the "promotional" effort, including drawings for the "Hardy Men" piece, which was deemed to risky for the real site at the time. You'll also find the the raw photos from the photo shoot for "Jazz Age Burgton", featuring Ed Riche, Mack Furlong and myself in silly clothes acting stupidly.

Town Beat! features...

Town Beat! Home Page
Watch Town Beat!
The Hardy Men illustrations
Jazz Age Burgton