GE 1995 Season 2 Episode 2

Intro(Paul) 0:00
Intro (Music) 0:54
Earl Vardy: Tax Accountant 1:53
The Maytones: Money Worries7:18
The Vault 9:40
Morris Jesso: Interred promo 13:50
Dr. Peter Saines, on the Great Eastern14:50
Hardship Post: Secret Life19:05
Promo: University of the Air21:30
Jerome Granger: tourism exposé22:04
Station Break26:09
What's That Noise? 26:35
Rita Molloy: BCN Community Notebook29:51
Political Panel31:27
Gregory Penashue: Nantem minuatuam35:44
Newfoundland Stock Exchange38:43
Paul Benoit: Paul's Pot promo42:17
Figgy Duff: Tarry Trousers43:11
Paulitorial 46:33
Station ID 51:00
This Week at the NFSE 51:09
Erling Biggs: Traffic Report 52:23