The Great Eastern: What's New What's new among the Great Eastern's
“tele-electronic pulses”.

The Great Eastern World Wide Web pages are brought to you by FURLONG KNOBS, proud sponsor of Traffic Alert, and by Gerry Porter.

The What's New archives:1996-97 and 1997-98.

What's New

Audio from The Halloween episode added to the audio page; audio from the moose-hunting episode added to a new moose hunting page.

Audio from the October 17 and 24 shows have been added and an extensive collection of clips and images from the Funk Islands.

Audio from the October 3 and 10 shows have been added in the past couple of weeks. A Noise winner...a promo for the Listener's Letters Show...

New audio from the Sept. 26 American Wavelength documentary. Apple and Cahiers du Cinema images.

Additions to Paul's geneology page. Added Crofter's Rebellion. Plus new audio.

Redid the web index. Added Jan Peter Moth of Ucker. Fixed up the audio pages and added new audio.

Great things are happening. There's a new noise. There's Apologies and Clarifications. And a new feature has been added on the index page: BCN Community Announcements. The redesign proceeds apace....

Bear with us. The GE web is (again) undergoing renovation for the new season. When we're done, the vast (and growing) archive of materials will be much easier to navigate. There'll be more audio, more background information, more pictures--even cartoon. Come back soon.
You will not, however, find a single "Under Construction" sign here.... ...